
- 28/09/2022



Engelsk, Islandsk

Webinar: A digital life – opportunities for all and supervising teachers to help colleagues become more digital

Increased opportunities for people with Intellectual disability – we should all be able to participate in the digital journey.

Webinar: A digital life – opportunities for all and supervising teachers to help colleagues become more digital

Webinar: A digital life – opportunities for all and supervising teachers to help colleagues become more digital

Wednesday, September 28 2022

9.00-10.05 am (Icelandic time)
11.00 – 12.05 pm (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)
12.00- 13.05 pm (Finland)
7.00 – 8.05 am (Greenland)
10.00 – 11.05 am (Faroe Islands)

The webinar will be held in English

Target group: Employees of LLL centres, teachers in primary-and secondary schools, staff of local school offices and others.

Sign up at the bottom of the page.

(for Icelandic text, please see below)

Two articles will be represented at this webinar: A digital life (from Sweden) and Supervising teachers to help colleagues become more digital (from Finland).

The first topic addresses increased opportunities for people with Intellectual disability – emphasising that we should all be able to participate in the digital journey.

Additionally, in 2015, Finland started a tutor system (“tutor teachers”) where some teachers were trained in digital skills and taught their colleagues. It turned out to be a stroke of luck when the pandemic hit in the spring of 2020.

The aim is to introduce the importance of interweaving pedagogy with digital skills in work. Various good tips are presented that can be used to mobilize people to acquire additional skills in basic skills. Those are related to i.e., motivation and flexibility for learning, improvements to the fund structure, together with targeted actions by the government. This webinar will also discuss the importance of supporting teachers in developing their own digital skills.

The NVL network for Basic skills has published 10 articles in 2022 and this webinar will discuss one of the articles which is from Sweden. Additionally, the Finnish article on counselling teachers to support digital competence of colleagues, will also be presented and discussed.

You will meet:

  • Kerstin Gatu, Course manager at Custom IT (“Anpassad IT”), Project manager for Digi-Ja
  • Jaakko Vuorio, MA (Ed.) Project Coordinator, Assess@Learning Finnish National Agency for Education
  • Valgerður og Hildur Hrönn from the NVL network for basic skills.
  • Valgerður Th E Guðjónsdóttir is a specialist at the Education and Training Service Centre in Iceland
  • Hildur H Oddsdóttir works as a Project Manager for Education for the city of Reykjavík

Tvær greinar verða kynntar á þessari vefstofu: Stafrænt líf (frá Svíþjóð) – og – Umsjónarkennarar aðstoða starfsfélaga í að auka stafræna hæfni sína (frá Finnlandi).

Þessi vefstofa mun fjalla um aukna möguleika fyrir fólk með þroskahömlun og aðrar skyldar raskanir til virkni í samfélaginu. Öllu fólki ætti að vera gert kleift að nýta sér tæknina – að við getum öll tekið þátt í stafrænni vegferð.

Einnig verður komið inn á leiðsagnarakerfi (“tutor teachers”) í Finlandi, þar sem ákveðnir kennarar fengu þjálfun í stafrænni færni og kenndu samstarfsfólki sínu. Það reyndist gæfuspor þegar heimsfaraldurinn skall á vorið 2020.

Fyrir hverja er vefstofan: Starfsfólk símenntunarmiðstöðva, starfsfólk í málefnum fatlaðs fólks, kennarar í grunnskólum, og víðar.

Markmið er að kynna mikilvægi þess að flétta saman kennslufræði og tækni í starfi. Stafræn tækni er samþætt við kennslufög á námskeiði fyrir fólk með þroskahömlun eða aðrar skyldar raskanir. Tölvur geta líka verið mikil hjálp fyrir þann markhóp.

Einnig er komið inn á stuðning við kennara við að efla eigin stafræna hæfni.

10 greinar hafa verið gefnar út af netinu um grunnleikni vorið 2022, þýddar greinar á íslensku má nálgast hér.


Fjóla María Lárusdóttir
E: fjola@frae.is

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