
- 23/11/2023



Svensk, Engelsk

Norden-EU-möte 2023

Nordiskt nätverk för vuxnas lärande (NVL) i samarbete med Islands ordförandeskap i Nordiska Ministerrådet inviterar till årligt möte mellan organisationer som ansvarar för NVL, EU-Agenda och EPALE.

Norden-EU-möte 2023

Norden-EU-möte 2023

Online möte den 23 november, 2023

kl. 12.00 – 16.00 (DK, NO, SE); 11.00 – 15.00 (IS); 13.00 – 17.00 (FI)

Syftet med mötet är

  • att utbyta erfarenheter och diskutera samarbeten mellan organisationer som ansvarar för program som NVL, EU-Agenda och EPALE;
  • diskutera och sätta viktiga frågor på dagordningen och peka på teman som man önskar mer nordiskt samarbete om.

Årets möte skall sätta fokus på inklusion i samhälle, utbildning och arbete. Vi önskar att lyfta fram och diskutera insikter från Islands förmanskapsprojekt 2023. Projektet har haft som mål att utveckla en modell för bättre inklusion för immigranter, en modell som sätter målgruppens engagemang och samarbete mellan stakeholders i centrum.

Material från mötet 2022 hittar du på nvl.org här

Har ni frågor eller funderingar inför och kring mötet så är det bara att skicka oss en e-post.

Varmt välkomna till ett viktigt nordiskt möte!

Fjóla María Lárusdóttir fjola@frae.is Arbetslivets utbildningscenter, National NVL-koordinator, Island

The Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL) in cooperation with the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers invites you to an annual meeting of organizations responsible for NVL, EU-Agenda and EPALE.

Online meeting on the 23rd of November 2023.

12.00 – 16.00 (DK, NO, SE); 11.00 – 15.00 (IS); 13.00 – 17.00 (FI)

The purpose of the meeting is

to exchange experiences and discuss cooperation between organizations responsible for programmes such as NVL, EU-Agenda and EPALE; discuss and put important issues on the agenda and point to themes calling for more Nordic co-operation.

This year’s meeting will focus on inclusion in society, education and working life. We wish to highlight and discuss insights from the Icelandic presidency project of 2023. The aim of the project is to develop a model for better inclusion for immigrants, a model that puts engagement with the target group and collaboration among stakeholders at the center.

More material can be found on nvl.org here . If you have any questions or concerns about the meeting, just send us an email.

Welcome to an important Nordic meeting!

Fjóla María Lárusdóttir fjola@frae.is Education and training service center NVL Coordinator in Iceland

Nordisk möte 23.11.2023

kl. 12.00 – 16.00 (DK, NO, SE); 11.00 – 15.00 (IS); 13.00 – 17.00 (FI)

From To Description
Part 1. Experience and recommendations from the Icelandic presidency for the Nordic Council of Ministers and actions forward
12.00 12.10 Welcome and a short presentation round, Hildur Betty Kristjánsdóttir, ETSC and Antra Carlsen, NVL
12.10 12.45 Experience from the Icelandic presidency project in 2023 – developing a model for better inclusion for immigrants, a model that puts engagement with the target group and collaboration among stakeholders at the center.
Iceland intends to use the results and working method of the project in the social sector, education sector and working life settings. 


Results from the project Voices of immigrants – inclusion in education, work and society
Hildur Betty Kristjánsdóttir, director at the Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC)
Download presentation (pdf)


Revision of the Adult Education system and integration policies in Iceland
Hulda Anna Arnljótsdóttir and Tryggvi Haraldsson, senior advisors at the ministry of social welfare and labor market
Download presentation (pdf)

12.45 13.45 Adult learning, Competence development and Competence planning /-provision
Nordic countries present their most important, current and / or upcoming focus areas, policies, strategies that address competence and integration challenges in their country. New and promising ways of thinking integration. The countries are invited to contribute and choose the focus relevant from their policy perspective.
10 minutes per presentation + potential questions to the Icelandic presidency project partners.
Download presentation (pdf)



Current policy developments in Denmark, Helle Glen Petersen, Chefkonsulent ved Børne- og Undervisningsministeriet.
Download presentation (pdf)


Adult learning, competence development and -planning in Norway – measures that contribute to inclusion and integration, Andreas Gravdahl , rådgiver og Anne Solsvik, seniorrådgiver, Avdeling kompetanseutvikling i arbeidslivet, Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse.
Download presentation (pdf)


Current policy development in Sweden and Language training – a way to increase quality of language and well-being in elderly care and preschool, Helen Myslek, Head of unit, Swedish national agency for education
Download presentation (pdf)


Reform of the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration in Finland, Henrika Nordin, Manager, Bildningsalliansen.
Download presentation (pdf)

13.45 14.00 Break
Part 2. Nordic presentations, group talks and discussion in plenum
Welcome back to the meeting
14.00 14.15 Information from the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Secretariat on current issues and initiatives
by Malene Vangdrup, senior adviser, Knowledge & Welfare
Download presentation (pdf)
14.15 14.30 Information from NVL and EPALE, Antra Carlsen, NVL Head-coordinator and Emil Thirup-Sorknæs, fuldmægtig, Uddannelses- og forskningsstyrelsen, Danmark
Download presentation (pdf)


Introduction to the group work by Antra Carlsen, NVL Head-coordinator

14.30 15.15 Group talks:

  • reflection on the Icelandic results in relation to own organization / country context;
  • ideas and suggestions for further development work and collaboration.
15.15 15.30 Break
15.30 15.50 Feedback from the group talks
15.50 16.00 Summing up and thanks to all
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