
- 19/11/2024



Gustavelund, Finland

Engelsk, Dansk

Nordic networking seminar: celebrating results and looking forward

NVL invites its active networks, stakeholders and partners to a collaborative seminar to celebrate
the results of the NVL Programme period ending December 2024 and to get inspired for further lifelong learning collaboration across the Nordic region.

Illustration of people communicating globally through digital devices, connected across various locations around the world.

Nordic networking seminar: celebrating results and looking forward

Opening speech – General Secretary Karen Ellemann

By invitation only

Date : November 18-19, 2024

Place: Gustavelund, Finland


Start: Nov 18 at 11.30 – 13.00 (arrival and lunch)

End: Nov 19 at 13.30

Programme timeslots are indicated in local time in Finland.

Travel: Transfer from Vantaa Airport will be organised Monday morning. More information to follow.


The seminar will be a cross-network and organisation meeting place and space for co-creation. It will provide an opportunity to share ideas and tips for the future and consolidate the Nordic lifelong learning community.

The networks will have a possibility to showcase the latest Nordic results and products within adult learning.

All participants can look forward to inspiring professional content, information and insights about the priorities of the upcoming priorities of the Finnish Presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers 2025, and a Nordic cultural experience.

For whom

  • The Nordic Council of Ministers representatives
  • NVL Steering group – Committee of Senior Officials for Education and Research (EK-U)
  • Active NVL networks
  • NVL host organisations and NVL editors
  • Nordic EPALE coordinators and Nordplus Adult Programme coordinators
  • Nordic PIAAC network and other key Nordic cooperation partners

Contact person : Antra Carlsen, NVL Hovedkoordinator


NVL invites you for dinner

Nordisk netværksseminar: Fejring af resultater og et kig fremad

For inviterede deltagere

Dato : 18.-19. november, 2024

Sted : Gustavelund, Finland


Start: 11.30 -13.00 (ankomst og frokost) den 18. nov.

Slut: 13.30 den 19. nov.

Programtider er vist i lokal finsk tid.

Fælles transport fra Vantaa lufthavn vil blive arrangeret mandag morgen. Mere information følger

NVL inviterer sine aktive netværk, interessenter og partnere til et samskabende seminar for at fejre resultaterne af NVL-programperioden, som slutter i december 2024. Det er en mulighed for at blive inspireret til videre samarbejde om livslang læring på tværs af den nordiske region.


Seminaret vil være et mødested og et rum for samskabelse på tværs af netværk og organisationer. Det vil give mulighed for at dele idéer og tips til fremtiden og konsolidere det nordiske fællesskab for livslang læring.

Netværkene vil have mulighed for at præsentere de nyeste nordiske resultater og produkter inden for voksnes læring.

Alle deltagere kan se frem til inspirerende fagligt indhold, information og indsigter om de kommende prioriteter for det finske formandskab i Nordisk Ministerråd 2025 samt en nordisk kulturel oplevelse.

For hvem

  • Repræsentanter for Nordisk Ministerråd
  • NVL’s Styregruppe – Nordisk Embedsmandskomité for Uddannelse og Forskning (EK-U)
  • Aktive NVL-netværk
  • NVL værtsorganisationer og NVL-redaktører
  • Nordiske EPALE-koordinatorer og Nordplus Voksen program-koordinatorer
  • Nordiske PIAAC-netværk og andre vigtige nordiske samarbejdspartnere

Kontaktperson : Antra Carlsen, NVL Hovedkoordinator


Preliminary program

NVL networking seminar 18-19 november
Plats: Gustavelund, Finland

18 November 2024

11.30-13.00Arrival and lunch
Karen Ellemann, Secretary General, Nordic Council of Ministers (video)
Ulla-Jill Karlsson, Senior Ministerial Advisor, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
Malene Vangdrup, Senior Adviser, Knowledge & Welfare, Nordic Council of Ministers
Antra Carlsen, NVL head-coordinator

Download presentation: Nordisk Ministerråds politiske prioriteter 2025-2030 (pdf)
Download presentation: Finnish and Ålandic co-presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2025 (pdf)
13.30How to foster Nordic resilience in the time of information disorders?
Jukka Vahti, Senior Lead, Foresight and Training, SITRA

To highlight the themes of democracy, learning, active participation and resilience.

Download presentation (pdf)
14.30Coffee and prepare for the World Café
14.50World Café with network result presentations as a gallery of initiatives and impact. Introduction to World Cafe by Gry Guldberg & Antra Carlsen
Gry Guldberg, Strategic leadership consultant for sustainability & practitioner of Earth Wisdom, Co-founding Partner at Estuary.Agency

To present key results/products from the current NVL program-period and emphasize the factors that supported sustainable development with focus on collective learning and positive impact – the valuable sustainability results created for the relevant target groups and stakeholders.

To kickstart the future work by appreciating and honouring the results created and to let these results inform the upcoming strategic process
16.30A shift in perspective as a warm-up for tomorrow: The long now, being a good ancestor & and opening to strategic thinking for sustainability.
Mikkel Pilgaard, Strategic expert advisor for sustainability & systemic transformational designer, Co-founding Partner at Estuary.Agency
16.45Wrapping up and thank you – Day 1
18.00Sauna or other activity
19.15Nordic Quiz

19 November 2024

09.00Welcome and bridge from day 1
09.15Inspirational talk & facilitated discussion.
Sustainable development through the Nordic educational system as collaborative strategic futures design for regenerativity – how to collectively create a biologically healthy, culturally rich and existentially desirable world through an evidence-based and systemic approach to socio-environmental improvement in our time by Mikkel Pilgaard

To inspire and equip the participants to engage with the development of the future Nordic cooperation around cultivating and spreading lifelong learning while contributing effectively to real and timely sustainable development in the Nordics – thus pushing for the 2030 goals and beyond.

Download presentation (pdf)
10.15Coffee and prepare for the next session
10.50Learning & integration group dialogues – how do we build on our experience and transfer new knowledge and insights into more sustainable results for the future – both in our collaborative networks and local institutions?

Discuss and look into the Nordic lifelong learning future and cooperation.
12.00Talk on challenges and dilemmas across education and labour market in times of change.
Kirsten Margrethe Andersen, Senior lecturer University College South Denmark & chairman of Grundtvigsk Forum

To highlight and discuss: How to build on and develop the Nordic heritage of democratic citizenship, liberal values and entrepreneurship in a world of global and regional market economies and the growing power of autocracies. How do the Nordic models for education contribute to a more sustainable future?

Download presentation (pdf)
13.00Lunch and farewell

Find vej



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