

Målgruppe: Ledere

Education for global responsibility

The project has developed a website with a resource bank that schools and organizations can use in their daily work with information and education in the Global Goals.

Education for global responsibility

Education for global responsibility

Af Mille Gydahl-Jensen

07 - Bæredygtig energi

In 2015-2018, the Danish UNA was the lead partner on the project called Education for Global Responsibility. The project was funded through the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme and was a collaboration of 10 schools, municipalities and organizations across Europe. The project aimed to mainstream both formal and non-formal education about global responsibility in the schools, the youth sector and organizations across Europe.

As the UN Sustainable Development Goals just were adopted the same autumn 2015, they became a perfect frame for the project. The result is gathered at the website and consists of a curriculum developed in relation to reorienting the school / organization’s actions and habits in a more sustainable direction connected to the Global Goals. Furthermore, the website contains a method box with 44 learning activities connected to different subjects and to the relevant Global Goal. The website acts as a resource bank that schools and organizations can use in their daily work with information and education in the Global Goals. The content is free for everyone to use. If the school or organization wish, they can apply for a certification if the following conditions are met:

The institution is complying with the Seven Global Responsibility Routines described in the project and at the website; The institution has incorporated in their practices the Additional Curriculum; The institution is using the methods from the Method-Box. The certification is also free of charge and together with other certified schools it will be possible to cooperate on trans-national projects, exchanges and to share methodologies and materials.

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Eva-Lotta Rehnman



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