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Vid Helsingfors arbis erbjuder man varje vecka it-mix för att sänka stressnivåerna bland de anställa.
I projektet Utvecklingsplattform för kombinationsutbildningar prövar vi att genom handledning och kollegialt lärande stötta de språk- och yrkeslärare som arbetar i kombinationsutbildningarna.
Når vi snakke om utdanning for å fremme bærekraftig utvikling, altså handlingskompetanse, må vi passe på at det pedagogiske området ikke gjøres til et «verktøy», men at enhver problemstilling møtes med en åpenhet for ulike perspektiver.
The project “Sustainable Bildung for the voluntary sector” discovered that when it comes to adopting the principles of sustainability, and the subsequent lifestyle changes and the search for solutions to wicked problems like climate change, learners’ peers, families and other people have a vital role.
What kind of education can prepare people to engage in creative, responsible, and critical way to global responsibility and sustainable development?
Environmental education is about encouraging people towards a more sustainable future and way of life.
All læring påvirker erfaringen, påvirker personligheten og påvirker dermed både den emosjonelle og kognitiv side av oss. Læring har dermed også betydning for vår samhandling med andre.
SYKLI Environmental school of Finland has made the sustainability aspect the main attraction in its study programs.
When you educate people about how to live sustainably, do that by treating them with kindness and acceptance.
How do we make climate change and planetary processes tangible and accessible for our senses?
In 2021, Sykli Environmental School of Finland launched a new education focusing on decarbonisation possibilities in the organizations.
Students from Sykli Environmental School of Finland receve personal guidance at work and practise new working skills.