

Education policy

Amplifying the voice of immigrants and cooperating based on effective solutions

The project Voices of young immigrants – inclusion in education, work and society is based on a wide collaboration of stakeholders, focusing on the perspectives of young immigrants in Iceland.

Amplifying the voice of immigrants and cooperating based on effective solutions

Amplifying the voice of immigrants and cooperating based on effective solutions

A Design Based Research process was applied, a model that enabled the unlocking of insights from immigrants as well as various stakeholders looking specifically at challenges linked to inclusion.

All the insights from the five focus groups with immigrants were explored and themes identified at a Nordic working seminar in Reykjavík in May 2023.

Findings reveal, among other things, that a closer attention is needed regarding integration into jobs, education and society through a more focused cooperation with the target group and all relevant stakeholders based on the identified solutions. Specific “blind spots” were identified revealing that many of the current measures in place are inefficient.

The project is led by the Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC) in Iceland and the Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL) as a part of the Icelandic presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Read more about the main findings in this Policy Report.

Flere nyheder fra NVL

To kvinder smilende foran en præsentationsskærm under en workshop eller konference.



Den 27. august 2024 mødtes mere end 50 medarbejdere og ledere fra forskellige, både offentlige og private, organisationer, virksomheder og arbejdspladser for i fællesskab at undersøge nye muligheder for at arbejde med intern kompetenceudvikling og læring på arbejdspladsen.

Fagskoler i Norge scorer bra på samarbeid med arbeidslivet om utdanningsinnhold.



Norskir verkmenntaskólar eiga náið samstarf við atvinnulífið. Fyrirtækin upplifa samstarf við verkmenntaskóla einfaldara en samstarf við framhaldsskóla og háskóla. Stærstur hluti samstarfsins á sér stað í Fagráði um samvinnu við atvinnulífið sem stofnað var til. Að kennarar við verkmenntaskóla eru jafnframt tengdir fyrirtækjum á því sviði sem þeir kenna stuðlar einnig að því að námið er tengt atvinnulífinu.

En ung bonde justerer maskineriet på en skurtresker i et åpent jorde.



Vottunarkerfi Norðmanna var víkkað út frá og með 1. júní á þessu ári. Í útvíkkuninni felst að iðn- og starfsmenntun frá Íslandi og Danmörku telst jafngild norsku námi hvað varðar skólastig, umfang og faglegt innihald.

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