Finland, Japan, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Estonia, the Flemish Region and Denmark (in ranked order) are among the countries with the highest skills.
Within the Nordic-Baltic region, the PIAAC survey is an excellent resource for mutual and cross-country exchange and learning. The survey can be a helpful resource for policymaking and policy adjustments, as a tool to identify drivers for each skill top and the potential risks for skills decline.
Read more about the results of the Nordic-Baltic countries in the press release from the Nordic – Baltic PIAAC network and NVL.
For more information about the Nordic-Baltic PIAAC network: PIAAC – NVL
Links to national reports
Voksne er blevet bedre til at læse og regne –
Rahvusvaheline täiskasvanute oskuste uuring PIAAC | Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
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Survey of Adults Skills 2023: Latvia | OECD
Adult skills in literacy, numeracy and adaptive problem solving – SSB
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Download press release from the Nordic – Baltic PIAAC network and NVL (pdf)