

Lifelong learning, Democracy

Nordic and Baltic adults have high levels of skills, but how do we prevent decline over time?

On 10th December, the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) II survey, conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), was published. Results show that the Nordic and Baltic countries score high, yet there are still important lessons to be learned. Lifelong learning seems to be part of the answer.

This image depicts a close-up of a hand holding a small globe, symbolizing global connectivity or responsibility. The focus is on the hand and the miniature world map, emphasizing personal interaction with the planet.

PIAAC results show that the Nordic and Baltic countries score high, yet there are still important lessons to be learned. Lifelong learning seems to be part of the answer.

Finland, Japan, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Estonia, the Flemish Region and Denmark (in ranked order) are among the countries with the highest skills.

Within the Nordic-Baltic region, the PIAAC survey is an excellent resource for mutual and cross-country exchange and learning. The survey can be a helpful resource for policymaking and policy adjustments, as a tool to identify drivers for each skill top and the potential risks for skills decline.

Read more about the results of the Nordic-Baltic countries in the press release from the Nordic – Baltic PIAAC network and NVL.

For more information about the Nordic-Baltic PIAAC network:  PIAAC – NVL

Links to national reports

Voksne er blevet bedre til at læse og regne – vive.dk

Rahvusvaheline täiskasvanute oskuste uuring PIAAC | Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium

PIAAC II: Toisen Kansainvälisen aikuisten taitotutkimuksen ensituloksia

Survey of Adults Skills 2023: Latvia | OECD

Adult skills in literacy, numeracy and adaptive problem solving – SSB

Vuxnas färdigheter står sig fortsatt väl internationellt

Download press release from the Nordic – Baltic PIAAC network and NVL (pdf)

Flere nyheder fra NVL

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