

Lifelong learning, Research, Continuing education

NVL at the Sustainable Living Summit in Stockholm

The Sustainable Living Summit, which took place on October 15, 2024, marked the launch of the Sustainable Living Hub, collecting results from the six projects represented in the Nordic Sustainable Living Programme.

Panel discussion on sustainable education with speakers from Nordic educational organizations, seated on stage with green decor and baskets of apples, under a screen displaying the topic "How to teach and learn sustainability: The role of school and online tools."

Henrika Nordin, project leader for the Nordic Pilot project “Development of Educational Models for Sustainable Lifestyles” and coordinator of NVL network for sustainable development, participating in the panel discussion on education at the Sustainable Living Summit in Stockholm.

Blue banner promoting a Nordic climate-friendly living program, with a circular photo of three young people talking, accompanied by the hashtag #sustainableliving.
Programme banner

Nordic Sustainable Living Programme is a cross-sectoral programme consisting of six projects, that aim to simplify living in a climate-friendly way, provide concrete guidelines and tools, and inspire behavioural and cultural changes.

Nordic Pilot project ”Development of Educational Models for Sustainable Lifestyles” provides an educational contribution to the social change of lifestyles and cultures from the individual to the systemic level. It contributes to creating a holistic and sustainable organization that involves all stakeholders: leaders, teachers, and students/participants.

Sustainable Living Hub

At the summit, the programme showcased solutions, policies, and hands-on inspiration for how to contribute to sustainable lifestyles. A key message was:

  • Sustainable living can be easy – if we work holistically and across sectors to enable the change.

However, as of now, emissions are going down too slowly. A research panel called for stronger focus on dismantling the policies that increase emissions, more policies focus on consumer-based emissions and faster implementation of the EU sustainable product regulation.

Henrika Nordin from the NVL network for sustainable development took part in the education panel alongside colleagues, representing the interests of teachers and the sector for higher education. The panel stressed that the whole society approach to sustainability issues is crucial and that organisations within the educational sector should not be the only change-makers.

Yet, educational organisations have an important role to play. Educators together with students and other stakeholders can co-create new insights and work towards the cultural grounding of sustainability within an organisation. Henrika Nordin presented key findings from the Nordic Pilot project and recommendations concerning the central role of educators for promoting sustainable lifestyles. The project recommends to:

  • Facilitate organizational changes that reduce control and provide space for pedagogical innovations, as well as continuous professional development, both practice-based and research-based.
  • Encourage a continued shift in the role of the educator, from the traditionally all-knowing figure to a co-learning facilitator in a rapidly evolving world, thereby creating more dynamic and collaborative learning environments.

The project was conducted as a learning circle, representing adult learning organisations in four Nordic countries: Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, and Sweden.

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