

Non-formal adult education, Research, Equal opportunities, Education policy

Results from the TRANSVAL-EU project

The project results provide support to practitioners and counsellors, as well as, other stakeholders and strengthen cross-sector cooperation between practitioners, policy-makers and other stakeholders in order to build coherent VNFIL systems.

Managing and organising activities and solving problems are examples of transversal skills.

Results from the transval-eu project

The TRANSVAL-EU project addresses the complex issue of validation of transversal skills.

  • On one hand, employers place an increasing importance on transversal skills.
  • On the other hand, transversal skills are only an implicit part of the existing validation and guidance processes.

The core idea of the project is that using innovative VNFIL methods for transversal competences in VET for low-qualified adults will improve the efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, and inclusiveness of VNFIL processes and policies in a lifelong and life-wide perspective.

Transversal competences

Transversal competences are learned and proven abilities, which are seen as necessary or valuable for effective action in virtually any kind of work, learning or life activity. They are “transversal” because they are not exclusively related to any particular context (job, academic discipline, civic engagement, occupational sector, etc.).

The project deals with the following types of transversal competences with specific descriptions for each of the different EQF levels:

  • Managing and organising activities;
  • Solving problems and reacting to the unforeseen
  • Cooperating and fostering cooperation
  • Using oral communication in one or several languages
  • Resource Management
  • Taking professional, social and cultural norms into account
  • Using written communication in one or several languages
  • Communicating using digital technologies
  • Managing information and critical thinking
  • Building one’s career path
  • Developing one’s competences and profile
  • Self-reflection

Transversal competence framework

The project has created a Transversal Competence Framework with specific descriptions for 12 competences linking each of them to the different EQF levels.

Find the framework here.

Guidance and validation practitioners’ competence profile

The innovation brought by the Competence Profile is that it focuses specifically on the way in which validation and guidance practitioners understand and apply transversal competences in their practice, in all the phases of the validation process and during guidance.

Find the competence profile here.

Research on the impact of validation and guidance of transversal skills

The TRANSVAL-EU project organised eight field trials in six European countries (Austria, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal) that allowed the optimisation of the validation process concerning transversal skills.

Most of the involved practitioners (68% to 76%) experienced an improvement in their competence level of transversal competences, providing guidance during the validation process and providing an assessment.

Read more about the research here. 

Integration of transversal skills in guidance and validation in the nordic region

Main challenges identified by the project are that guidance activities linked to validation practices of transversal compenteces are not transparent and there is a need for measures, which increase understanding of the VPL concept and processes among guidance practitioners.

That could lead to practices that are more coherent and support individuals in experiencing career learning, and through that make more meaning of the validation process concerning further career development. It is also feasible to explore further what competences and qualifications are needed for that type of service delivery.

Download the One-Pager Results from the TRANSVAL-EU project here (PDF).

Read more about the TRANSVAL-EU project here. 

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