

Prison education, Equal opportunities

Teaching Young People in Nordic Prisons  

Teachers, consultants and leaders across Nordic prisons have collaborated to create videos sharing best practices for teaching young inmates.

Uddannelse af unge i fængsler

Teaching Young People in Nordic Prisons

The videos focus on strengthening the basic skills of young inmates and creating an environment in prisons that promotes learning.

The videos are developed by members of NVL’s Nordic Network for Prison Education. Through collaboration and exchange of experiences, the network aims to improve the conditions for young inmates to complete their education, thereby enhancing their prospects for stable employment and successful reintegration into society.

Introduction to the video materials

In the first video, you can meet Geir Arne Hundvebakke, Head of Prison Education at Åsane Upper Secondary School in Bergen, Norway. Geir has been a part of the Nordic working group ‘Education of Young People in Prisons’ and talks about the results and experiences of the working group’s efforts.

Find all videos about teaching young people in the Nordic prisons here.

Flere nyheder fra NVL

Gruppe studenter i et auditorium som studerer og diskuterer sammen.



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Omkring 500.000 voksne danskere har ikke tilstrækkelige basale færdigheder som læsning, skrivning, matematik, engelsk og IT. Det er en udfordring for både den enkelte og samfundet i en situation, hvor der er mangel på kvalificeret arbejdskraft og i et stigende digitaliseret samfund.

Nordic-Baltic seminar on education and guidance portals.



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