The Nordic Council of Ministers is looking for a consultancy, knowledge center or research institution to develop and implement a joint Nordic initiative on vocational education and training.
The initiative concerns the shared Nordic challenge of ensuring skilled labour and competence supply for the present and future Nordic labour markets.
The initiative is based on two overarching thematic discussions addressed from a socially inclusive and sustainable perspective:
- Recruitment to and retention in VET from a youth point of view
- Competence supply within green transition illuminated via Nordic cases.
The overall objective is to pool and generate collective knowledge within VET through youth dialogues and practitioner discussions.
This forms the basis for developing concrete policy recommendations.
The tenderer must:
- Develop and implement a work package on recruitment to and retention in VET
- Develop and implement a work package on competence supply within green transition
- Produce a communication strategy
- Produce a summary report including policy recommendations
The expenditure on the services to be covered by the proposed service contract is maximum 1 500 000 DKK (excl. VAT) during the project period.
Read more and submit a bid here. The bid can be submitted in either English or in one of the Scandinavian languages.