Bæredygtig udvikling
Videncenter for folkeoplysning, VIFO, har oprettet en temaside, hvor de fortløbende samler og opdaterer information om folkeoplysende initiativer, der skal fremme grøn omstilling og bæredygtighed.
The Sustainable Living Summit, which took place on October 15, 2024, marked the launch of the Sustainable Living Hub, collecting results from the six projects represented in the Nordic Sustainable Living Programme.
The aim of this policy paper is to inform decision makers on how sustainability education can be strengthened within adult education to reach the Vision 2030 of the Nordic Council of Ministers
Der er i Danmark etableret 8 partnerskaber for Uddannelse for bæredygtig udvikling. De 8
partnerskaber er opdelt i sektorer, inkluderer både formel og uformel uddannelse og dækker
niveauer fra børneinstitutioner til højere uddannelse. Der er desuden et partnerskab for VEU –Voksen efter- og videreuddannelse.
Learning is about sharing knowledge – this was evident in the projects which won the 2024 EAEA Grundtvig Award. SmartFood, an innovative sustainable living initiative from Poland, received one of the two awards.
The project Voices of young immigrants – inclusion in education, work and society is based on a wide collaboration of stakeholders, focusing on the perspectives of young immigrants in Iceland.
NVL presented current initiatives on the topic of Sustainable Development in Adult Learning during Nordic Summer University’s Winter Symposium on February 16-18 in Odense, Denmark.
NVL, in partnership with the Training Service Centre (ETSC) in Iceland, has developed a model for co-creating meaningful and sustainable solutions.
I Sveriges budgetproposition för 2024 föreslog den svenska regeringen en satsning på korta kurser för att yrkesverksamma med specialistkompetens ska få bättre möjligheter att vidareutveckla sin kompetens. Nu är det klart vilka nio lärosäten som omfattas av satsningen 2024 och ska ta fram kurser med inriktning mot batteri, teknik och grön omställning.
How can sustainable development be promoted through adult learning? How do the Nordic countries strategically engage in educational initiatives for sustainable development?
The Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers invites Nordic and Baltic institutions and organisations working with or involved in education and training to apply for funding in the application round of 2024.
LungA är den första folkhögskolan på Island