Icelandic presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2023

Results from policy and practice development during the Icelandic presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2023

The project Voices of Young Immigrants – inclusion in education, work and society has been among the focus areas within education during the Icelandic presidency 2023. On this page, you can find results from the project: a model for co-creating meaningful and sustainable solutions and a policy brief with recommendations for fostering an inclusive environment for young immigrants in Iceland.

Policy Brief: Fostering an inclusive environment for young immigrants in Iceland

The policy recommendations respond to challenges in education, work and societal integration, urging policymakers to take action on the proposed solutions. Read more here.

One-pager about the Sustainable Model for Change

At the heart of the model is addressing societal challenges and including the voices of the target group.

The model was tested in the project Voices of Immigrants – inclusion into education, work and society.

The model is inspired by design-based research. The Sustainable Model for Change methodology supports joining forces of citizens, organisations and policymakers for collaborative actions.

Learn more about the model and how your organisation can use it to work with sustainable solutions.

Articles from the Icelandic presidency

Dr. Hermína Gunnþórsdóttir, Professor ved Universitet i Akureyri og Lara Hoffmann Doktorsstudent, Universitet i Akureyri

Villig til å gi alt til det nye hjemlandet

Ny undersökelse i Island som lytter til immigrantenes stemmer.
En ny undersökelse om immigranter ble presentert på en nordisk konferanse i Reykjavík våren 2023

Vi må nå dem som trenger det mest – En offentlig visjon i Island under bearbeidelse

Vi når ofte kun til den gruppen immigranter som allerede er priviligert fordi de snakker enten islandsk eller engelsk. Vi får mindre kontakt med dem som vi trenger mest å nå frem til, d.v.s de mange som kommer til landet kun med sitt morsmål.
En hel verden i et lite samfunn. Undervisning har en nökkelrolle i integrering av nye samfunnsborgere. Dette kunstverket ved gymnaset i Akureyri i Nord Island viser denne problemstillingen.

Å höre innvandrernes stemme i Island

Det trenges nye holdninger til språkopplæring, lettere tilgang til undervisning og bedre samarbeide mellom arbeidmarkedet og skolene. Mindre satsning på grammatikk og mer på praktisk spåkbruk!


For more information about the results of the Icelandic Presidency, please contact

Fjóla María Lárusdóttir
Research and Development Consultant
Education and Training Service Center

Fjóla María Lárusdóttir

Fjóla María Lárusdóttir