Taina Tammelin-Laine
Taina Tammelin-Laine
Ph. D. Taina Tammelin-Laine is an experienced teacher of Finnish for immigrant adults, particularly those with low literacy skills. She is active in producing research in the area and her Ph.D. thesis (2014) on the acquisition of Finnish by low-educated adult immigrants is so far the only broader study on these learners learning Finnish as an additional language. She is also an active LESLLA (Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults) member and the assistant secretary in its first-ever Executive Committee. Her research interests are L2 Finnish acquisition of adult immigrants with limited or interrupted earlier schooling, and assessment of L2 Finnish skills below A1 at CEFR. Currently she works as a research coordinator in the in-service teacher training project Getting a grip on basic skills: pedagogical design for teachers and advisers in immigrant education (2017-2020).