

Working life, Adult learning, Continuing education

Expected outputs/outcomes of guidance services for adults in the Nordic countries

This study is an initiative launched by a Nordic network (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) on effectiveness and quality in guidance for adults.

Expected outputs/outcomes of guidance services for adults in the Nordic countries

Expected outputs/outcomes of guidance services for adults in the Nordic countries

Published in 2009

This study is an initiative launched by a Nordic network (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) on effectiveness and quality in guidance for adults funded by the NVL (Nordisk nätverk för vuxnas lärande) strategic means from the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The project has been implemented in partnership with parallel Nordic bodies and experts. This report covers the first part of the long term strategy in promoting evidence-based practice and policy development.

All documents are in pdf format.

Annex 1: NVL-Glossary of terms
Annex 2: NVL-summary of the terms found / not perceived
Annex 3: Extracts, Danish policy documents
Annex 4: Extracts, Finnish policy documents
Annex 5: Extracts, Icelandic policy documents
Annex 6: Extracts, Norwegian policy documents
Annex 7: Extracts: Swedish policy documents

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