Documentation Documents
Name of file | Description | Country / Language | Sector | Source Link |
Minkompetencemappe/ My Competence Portfolio | My Competence Portfolio (minkompetencemappe) is the Danish Ministry of Education´s tool for ‘you if you need an overview and documentation of what you have learned through your education, work and spare time’. | DK/dk,en | All | The Danish Ministry of Education |
Competence-based Qualifications Guide (All stages ) | This Guide describes the general principles underlying the competence-based qualification system and provides instructions on organising these qualifications. Key terminology related to the competence-based qualification system is listed at the end. In particular, please note that the Vocational Adult Education Act and Decree, available in English for the very first time, are appended to this Guide. | FI/en | Vocational Education | The Finnish National Board of Education |
Methods and tools | Documentation in higher education | DK/dk | Higher Education | Realkompetence – DK |
Documentation, exemptions in HE | A short list of different types of documentation, for exemptions in HE | NO/en | HE | Documentation exemtions in HE |
Paper to document reflection, example, exemptions in HE | A paper assignment to prove competence, in HE | NO/no | HE | Paper to document reflection, example, exemptions in HE |
Guidelines and document forms | These documents are used for mapping the competence and experience of people who apply for HVE. | SE/se | HVE | The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education |
Website with support material | Document forms in different languages for mapping experience gained in different occupations | SE/se | PES | The Swedish Public Employment Agency |
Brochure and mapping document form | A guide to how to understand and perform validation of prior learning within the three different forms of education in swedish adult education | SE/se | AE | The Swedish National Agency for Education |
Website with support material | Support material for mapping experience and competences and making exemptions in higher education within ”Lärarlyftet” | SE/se | HE | Stockholm University |
Mapping of the adult’s competence | In this phase it is important to identify the adults’ full competence that may be drawn from any aspect of an applicant’s professional or personal life. | NO/no | All | Retningslinjer for realkompetansevurdering i grunnskoleopplæringen og vidaregående oppl. |