
- 19/05/2020




How can we improve adult basic skills in Europe?

This is the question we will address during a two day virtual seminar on 18-19 May, and you are all invited.

How can we improve adult basic skills in Europe?

How can we improve adult basic skills in Europe?

Monday: 09.00 – 14.30

Day 1 is focusing on the situation in Finland, and the working language will be Finnish.

Tuesday: 10.00 – 15.35

Day 2 expands to include the rest of Europe, and we will change the working language to English. Highlights of the day include a workshop about hugely successful “Elements of AI” –course with over 370 000 participants in 170 countries (more info: www.elementsofai.com ) and how to do something similar around basic skills. We will also identify the essential basic skills in the 2020´s.

This virtual seminar is modular. You are free to join for the full two days, or for any of the individual sessions according to your interest. We offer a number of keynote presentations and a total of 6 workshops over the two days, plus ample time for networking and discussions. Our aim is to offer you a unique opportunity to learn and to share your experiences and thoughts regarding the many aspects of improving adult basic skills in Europe.

The conference is organised by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture together with NVL, the Nordic Network for Adult Learning. The programme has been developed by a national network for Basic skills in Finland.

All registered participants will get a link to the event, a password and some instructions a few days before the seminar.

The registration is now closed. If you want to participate you can send a request to johanni.larjanko@bildningsalliansen.fi and provided there is space in the meeting room and we are able to confirm your participation and send you the login details, you may still be able to join. Parts of the programme will be recorded and made available in our youtube channel within a couple of weeks.

What are the most important basic skills in the 2020s?

Here is a list of possible skills, have a look, vote for the ones you find most important, and feel free to suggest your own important basic skill! https://bit.ly/adultbasicskills2020

On behalf of the organisers we hope to see you all virtually in May!

Erno Hyvönen
Ministry of Education and Culture

Materials from the seminar


Rethinking Education – Megan Schaible from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Jatkuvan oppimisen uudistus – Kirsi Heinivirta from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Ammatillisen koulutuksen strategiarahoitus ja perustaidot – Mika Tammilehto from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Workshop 1

Erityisasiantuntija Janne Savolainen (TEM) avaa sitä, miten työnhakijoiden puutteelliset perustaidot näyttäytyvät TE-hallinnossa.

Työmarkkinatilanne ja osaaminen – Janne Savolainen from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Workshop 3

OPVA-opinnoilla tukea aikuisten perustaitoihin?

OPVA-opinnoilla tukea aikuisten perustaitoihin? from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Cohesive frames for quality ensured basic skills provision
Graciela Sbertoli, European Basic Skills Network EBSN

Cohesive frames for quality ensured basic skills provision – Graciela Sbertoli from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Workshop 5: Digital skills in the Nordic Countries

A new report on “Basic digital skills for adults in the Nordic countries”, presented by Agnetha Kronqvist, National coordinator, Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL), Director of Education Swedish National Agency for Education.

Basic digital skills for adults in the Nordic countries – Agnetha Kronqvist from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

We ́ll also hear practical examples on producing digital skills, presented by ESF-funded Taito-Programme coordinator Mika Sihvonen, University of Tampere, Finland.

Problem solving in everyday life requires basic digital skills – Mika Sihvonen from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Workshop 6: Lifeskills – What are the basic skills in the 2020’s?

How we can ensure that people are learning skills which are relevant to their lives and their work? The workshop expands the definition of basic skills and introduce a life skills approach, which has been developed in European partnership of adult education organisations. We also discussed what are the relevant skills to have in 2020’s, and hear how adult educators can network and partner with others in order to take their ideas and innovations even further.

Learning basix skills by solving everyday challenges – Nina Hjelt & Virpi Markkanen from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Life skills – What are the basic skills from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande

Life skills in the Danish context – Stine Hohwü-Christensen, DAEA from Nordiskt Nätverk för Vuxnas Lärande


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