

Adult education, Adult learning

Nordic definition of career guidance for adults

Career guidance for adults sets the prerequisites for conscious and meaningful choices in relation to career development and enables adults to handle transitions and changes in their lives.

Nordic definition of career guidance for adults

Nordic definition of career guidance for adults

Through career guidance and new information, adults are offered support in identifying the competences, which they have acquired through education, work, and leisure and in further developing these with regard to new career opportunities or motivating them to explore completely different career fields. Developing the ability to make decisions and implement them is also an important part.

The guidance takes into account important societal issues affecting the adult’s career choices and contributes to a socially equal and sustainable society. In the societal context in which the adults live, support is given to explore and clarify their interests and values, in order to see themselves in a new light and thus challenge their own self-image.

High quality career guidance is neutral and not tied to institutions or sectors, puts the individual at the centre and is accessible to all. Career guidance is offered by a competent counsellor with relevant skills and ethical awareness. Career guidance can take place
in communities, e.g. in workplaces and educational institutions.

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Nordiske initiativer under Det Europæiske År for Færdigheder.



NVL støtter Det Europæiske År for Færdigheder, og på denne siden kan du læse om nordiske uddannelsesinitiativer, som er blevet sat i gang for at hjælpe nordiske borgere med at få de rette færdigheder til kvalitetsjob.

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