

Education policy, Non-formal adult education

Policy brief on statistics about VPL

This Policy brief highlights the importance of being able to follow up and quantify the validation activities conducted in the Nordic countries, as well as to enable research and impact studies that can provide a basis for political priorities.


Policy brief on statistics about VPL

This Policy brief highlights the importance of being able to follow up and quantify the validation activities conducted in the Nordic countries, as well as to enable research and impact studies that can provide a basis for political priorities.

NVL’s Validation Network points out several essential reasons for improved follow up on VPL, including all the primary purposes of validation – for access to education at the right level, for exemptions to shorten education and for labour market matching to enable individuals to apply for jobs that match their actual skills.

By starting to produce statistics and by providing a basis for evaluation and impact studies, the implementation of VPL can likely be speeded up and investments be made, where they are most beneficial.

The policy brief has been developed by the Nordic Network of Adult Learning (NVL). The knowledge base for the policy brief has been created by the NVL’s Network on Validation. To learn more about the Nordic cooperation in the field of validation, please visit the NVL:s thematic page.

Read the policy brief here pdf.

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