Kari Nissinen
Kari Nissinen
Kari Nissinen, PhD in statistics, works as a senior researcher and senior statistician at Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. His expertise area is statistical data analysis, particularly with linear, generalized linear, multilevel and mixed models, multivariate methods and survey methodology. He has a long experience as a statistical data analysis of international and domestic large-scale assessments, and during 2014–2022 he was the national data manager of PISA assessment in Finland. He is the main author or a co-author in 99 international or domestic publications, 52 of which are peer reviewed.
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The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is an OECD survey measuring key information-processing skills in literacy, numeracy and problem solving among the adult population aged 16–65.