

Lifelong learning, Working life, Education policy

A Nordic perspective on career competences and guidance

The objective for this concept note is to contribute to a shared Nordic frame of understanding for career competences which can be used in the ongoing development of guidance in the Nordic countries.

A Nordic perspective on career competences and guidance

A Nordic perspective on career competences and guidance

This concept note reflects an initiative within the Nordic ELPGN group, in partnership with the Nordic network for adult learning (NVL), to investigate the possibilities for collaboration between the Nordic countries in developing a number of joint documents on career competences and/or a competence framework for career learning in the Nordic countries.

The objective for this concept note is to contribute to a shared Nordic frame of understanding for career competences which can be used in the ongoing development of guidance in the Nordic countries.

The intended audience is guidance professionals, teachers, researchers, managers, policy makers and clients.

You can download the PDF below, or you can read the report directly here.

The report is also available in Danish and Swedish.

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