

6 min.

Kompetensutveckling i Finland

Finsk arbetsgrupp

Kompetensutveckling i Finland

Kompetensutveckling i Finland

En nationell arbetsgrupp som består av representanter för myndigheter, yrkesutbildning för vuxna och arbetsliv har under 2009 tagit fram exempel på effektiva lösningar inom kompetensutveckling för arbetslivet i förändring. Under 2010 har beskrivningarna av exemplen förtydligats och översatts till engelska enligt särskild mall utarbetad av ett nordiskt forskarteam.

Medlemmarna i kompetensgruppen i Finland:

Marja Pakaste, Länsstyrelsen i Södra Finlands län, Pasi Rentola, Undervisningsministeriet, Taina Halttunen, Axxell Utbildning Ab, Anne Karppinen, North Karelia Educational, Federation of Municipalities, Max Lindholm, Företagarna i Finland rf, Johanna Laukkanen, Arbetskraftsministeriet

Från Finland presenteras  följande exemplen på engelska

A Campaign for Entrepreneurs Vocational Education and Training by Apprenticeship

The Finnish government made special arrangements in autumn 2009 to lessen by the economic crisis. The Ministry of Education was granted in the Governments supplementary budget 300 extra places for short-term vocational education and training in SME´s (companies) for that year by apprenticeship and especially for entrepreneurs themselves.

Business service centre Potkuri / Educational services for businesses

Southwest-Finland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment (ELY-centre) and Turku Regional Development centre initiated the development of one-stop business service concept. This idea has been supported by the schools’ intension to support the regional businesses’ possibilities of success by cooperating closely with them and by developing new operational models together with the businesses and cooperative partners. The operational models support the development of the businesses’ and the schools’ staff and also decrease the lack of skilled labour. The goal is to support the region’s vocational strategies, enhance the employment and promote the growth of welfare.

Case Perlos, North Karelia, Finland

Perlos Group had representatives from Employment and Economic Development Office, Perlos workers and employers, municipalities, North Karelia entrepreneurs, City of Joensuu and North Karelia Chamber of Commerce. Adult Education Centre of North Karelia
At best, the plastics industry company, Perlos in North Karelia, employ over 2 000 workers. When the shocking news of closing down the business came, there were still 1 200 workers. Perlos Group was set up when the company announced the news of closing down.

Know-how from Eastern Finland – new waves

The South Savo Vocational College Esedu serves the surrounding working life both by realizing its basic training activities and by making use of different funding and projects to develop new models of adult education to keep up with the needs of the changing business life. The level of education of employees in South Savo is below the Finnish average. Thus, Esedu wants to play an active role in ensuring that small and medium-sized enterprises have enough skilled employees in the future. As a biggest provider of vocational education in the region Esedu supports the current employment guidelines and actions by national and local authorities.

Noste Programme, Raising adults´ level of education and training

According to the Parliamentary Adult Education and Training Committee´s proposal (in 2002) the educational level of adults with a low basic education should be increased through an action plan. The Incomes Policy Agreement for 2003-2004 supported also the programme for raising the educational level of adults. According to Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen`s Government Programme 2003 adult education was to be developed on the basis of the proposals of the Parliamentary Adult Education and Training Committee.

TOIVE – active network and efficient co –operation

In Finland there will be in quite near future tremendous lack of workforce, mainly due to rapid aging of population. There are also tens of thousands of people at working age outside the labour market who could be working efficiently if only there would be tailor-made ways to find suitable jobs and tasks for them and to help employees in hiring this workforce.


The TYKE-Innovaatiot SAMIedu-project contains key actions in service and training development leading to strategical work plans for the sectors involved for 2010.The projects support the development of work life based service concepts and serves at the same time training goals of schools and creates possibilites to produce learning products/packages and services enabling a quick and flexible service for companies.

The project is based on SAMIedu strategical and continous development of services and products through project development work based on peer to peer and self-assessment producing services for the East-Savo economical region improving its expertise and sharing local and regional know-how in networking.

The young men to working life

At the end of March 2009, the number of unemployed young people under the age of 25 was approximately 29 000. This number had increased from the corresponding time in the previous year by 53 per cent nationwide, i.e. by 10 000 young people. According to the Labour Force Survey of Statistics Finland, the unemployment rate of young men aged 15-24 was as high as 29,4 per cent in March 2009. The situation of young men has been considered by a working group appointed by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.
The aim was to promote the employment of young men more succesfully than at present.

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