Articles in English

Be Digital to meet the digital divide



14 min.

NVL disseminates the results of the Nord Plus Adults Project. Be Digital-Social Media for 50+ is a two-year Baltic-Nordic project supported by the Nord Plus Adult program. The focus of the project was on strengthening the social media skills necessary for older employees to succeed both at work and in everyday life.

Eyrún Björk Valsdóttir and Fjóla María Lárusdóttir



11 min.

In a dialogue meeting in Reykjavik, the participants discussed questions related to the European project UP-AEPRO on competence development. More people need upskilling in order to meet new demands. Many need further education to meet new demands resulting from the pandemic and the 4th industrial revolution.

Young boy in a blue shirt standing by the sea, looking into the distance with 'PART 3' text overlaid in a circle.



12 min.

People with low skills in respectively literacy and numeracy are defined as those who are at level 0 and 1. These people score less than 226 points at the scale of literacy and numeracy respectively, a scale ranging from 0 to 500. Persons at level 0 and 1 in literacy are able to read and understand very simple texts with...
Young boy in a blue shirt standing by the sea, looking into the distance with 'PART 2' text overlaid in a circle.



9 min.

In this article, the Danish sociologist Anders Rosdahl presents main findings from PIAAC cycle 1. The article presents skills in the Nordic countries in a comparative perspective and focuses on the uneven distribution of skills with regard to education, age and other factors. It also sheds light on adults with low skills and how adult education matches the needs of...
Young boy in a blue shirt standing by the sea, looking into the distance with 'PART 1' text overlaid in a circle.



14 min.

In this article, the Danish sociologist Anders Rosdahl presents main findings from PIAAC cycle 1. The article presents skills in the Nordic countries in a comparative perspective and focuses on the uneven distribution of skills with regard to education, age and other factors. It also sheds light on adults with low skills and how adult education matches the needs of...
Three people in a woodworking workshop with one person measuring a wooden piece, another taking notes, and a third observing.



4 min.

The report presents comparative results from PIAAC cycle 1 for Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. It supplements national and international PIAAC reports by comparing the results from five countries, as well as comparing an aggregate of these countries to other country aggregates with regard to skills in numeracy, literacy and problem-solving.

Regional development i Island



3 min.

Regional development i Island