

Working life, Equal opportunities

Nordic Conference on Voices of People with Immigrant Background to Be Held in Iceland

Reykjavik, Iceland – The Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC) in Iceland and the Nordic Network for Adult Learning in collaboration with The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and the Ministry of Education and Children in Iceland are pleased to announce the upcoming Nordic conference on the voices of people with immigrant background.

Voices of People with Immigrant Background – #Iceland2023

Nordic Conference on Voices of People with Immigrant Background to Be Held in Iceland

The conference will take place on May 11th and will present the first findings from the project “Voices of people with an immigrant background – inclusion in education, work and society.”

The conference will bring together policy makers and various stakeholders to work with the results and formulate a plan of action based on the method of design thinking.

“The goal of this project and the conference is to improve the integration of young people with an immigrant background and to prepare them better for the working life and society in Iceland. We are excited to bring together different stakeholders within the target group to discuss and make a long-term strategy,” said Fjóla María Lárusdóttir from the Nordic Network of Adult Learning, Iceland.

The findings that will be presented at the conference, are based on focus group meetings held in five regions in Iceland with groups of young people with immigrant background (18-35 years old). The focus groups have gathered the participants views on access to education, work, and other areas of society. The views of various stakeholders such as teachers, service providers as well as companies/organisations will also be sought on how processes can be adapted to the needs of immigrants.

The long term expected effect is that Icelandic experience and results from the project can be used in designing or adjusting education offers in order to better support adults with a non-Nordic background for work and for the participation in education and society.

For more information, please visit the conference website: Nordic conference on voices of people with immigrant background – Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins (frae.is)

The conference is part of Iceland’s official programme for the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2023.


Fjóla María Lárusdóttir, Coordinator of Nordic Network for Adult Learning in Iceland

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