

Adult education, Adult learning

Nordplus Applications round 1st February 2024

The Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers invites Nordic and Baltic institutions and organisations working with or involved in education and training to apply for funding in the application round of 2024.

Nordplus Applications round 1 st February 2024

Nordplus Applications round 1st February 2024

If you – or your organisation – are working within the field of education and training, you can now apply for Nordplus funding for transnational student, pupil, learner or teacher mobility, as well as joint project and network activities between educational institutions and organisations in Denmark, Estonia, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Åland.

The deadline for applications to the round of 2024 is Thursday 1st of February, and the total amount of available funds in the round is about 9.7 million euro.

Nordplus highlight 2024

In 2024, Nordplus welcomes applications for the programme under the theme “Enhancing Educational Cooperation for a Socially Sustainable Future”. The Nordplus highlight relates to all Nordplus programmes and to all sectors within the field of education and training. Nordplus wants to draw attention to projects that focus on social sustainability, for example by sharing project results in articles, on seminars and conferences. However, initiatives on other topics are equally welcome in Nordplus and will be assessed on an equal footing with initiatives related to the Nordplus Highlight.

The nordplus programmes 2023-2027

Nordplus consists of five sub programmes, which cover the entire educational sector.

  • Nordplus Adult – funds networks, projects and mobility for institutions and organisations working with adult education and learning.
  • Nordplus Horizontal – funds cross-sectoral projects and networks.

Find more information in English about the Nordplus programmes here.

Find mere information på dansk om Nordplus-programmerne her.

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