

Education policy, Lifelong learning, Research

Supporting transformation towards sustainable lifestyles within adult education in the Nordic countries

The aim of this policy paper is to inform decision makers on how sustainability education can be strengthened within adult education to reach the Vision 2030 of the Nordic Council of Ministers

Policy brief : Supporting transformation towards sustainable lifestyles within adult education in the Nordic countries

Policy brief : Supporting transformation towards sustainable lifestyles within adult education in the Nordic countries

The aim of this policy paper is to inform decision makers on how sustainability education can be strengthened within adult education to reach the Vision 2030 of the Nordic Council of Ministers applying principles of diversity, professional freedom and a strengthened focus on Bildung.

The recommendations in this policy paper respond to the global challenges of sustainability and enable adult education in the Nordic countries to take a lead in the transformation towards a more sustainable world.

The recommendations are based on the results of a Nordic pilot learning circle that involved participants from various backgrounds, countries, organizational cultures, and professional roles. The Policy brief presents also the key barriers and drivers that hinder or support transformation towards sustainability within adult education. The pilot project “Development of Educational Models for Sustainable Lifestyles” (2023-2024) has been carried out within the Nordic Council of Ministers Programme for sustainable lifestyles.

Download Policy Brief (pdf)

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