

Flexible learning, Distance education, Continuing education

MOOC for Nordic education for teachers

A MOOC is a good way to offer further training for basic skills’ teachers in the Nordic countries. This report explains how and why.

MOOC for Nordic education for teachers

MOOC for Nordic education for teachers

Teachers of basic skills for adults want to improve their skills. Perhaps a MOOC or other open online netbased learning services can come to the rescure. But how? And what to think about? This report is the result of a combined effort in a working groupd with representatives from NVL Distans, Alfarådet and the European Basic Skills Network. Their conclusion is clear: MOOCs would be a very good idea, and it should be done on a Nordic level to reach the necessary amount of peaople. The report presents a step-by-step approach and calls on NVL to follow this up during 2015. To ensure success the group proposes a bottom-to-top approach when developing a Nordic MOOC for further training in basic skills teaching.

The report is also available in Norwegian.

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