
- 04/10/2022



Engelsk, Islandsk

Webinar: Basic skills and Motivation: Best Practice from the Nordics

How can we reach those with low education level who need to improve their basic skills? A case from Denmark

Webinar: Basic skills and Motivation: Best Practice from the Nordics

Webinar: Basic skills and Motivation: Best Practice from the Nordics

Tuesday, October 4 2022

11.00 – 11.50 am (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)
12.00- 12.50 pm (Finnland)
9.00-9.50 am (Iceland)
7.00 – 7.50 am (Greenland)
10.00 – 10.50 am (Faroe Islands)

Target group: staff in LLL centres, teachers in primary-and secondary schools, staff of local school offices and others.

The webinar will be held in English

Sign up: At the bottom of the page

Now it – maybe – is soon the turn for people with short schooling within the system.

The aim of the webinar is to introduce the importance of interweaving pedagogy with digital skills in work. Various good tips are presented that can be used to mobilize people to acquire additional skills in basic skills. Those are related to i.e., motivation and flexibility for learning, improvements to the fund structure, together with targeted actions by the government.

The NVL network for Basic skills has published 10 articles in the in 2022 and this webinar will discuss one of the articles which is from Denmark.

At the webinar, you will hear from Janni Glæsel, Basic skills ambassador at the N-Zealand recruitment service in Denmark.

Valgerður og Hildur Hrönn from the NVL network for basic skills will lead the webinar. Valgerður Guðjónsdóttir is a specialist at the Education and Training Service Centre in Iceland and Hildur Oddsdóttir works as a Project Manager for Education for the city of Reykjavík

Please sign up at the bottom of this page.

If you have any question about the webinar, please contact Hildur Hrönn, Hildur.Hronn.Oddsdottir@reykjavik.is

Nú kemur röðin – kannski – fljótlega að fólki með stutta skólagöngu að baki.

Hvernig náum við til þeirra sem þurfa að afla sér aukinnar færni í grunnleikni? Dæmi frá Danmörku

Markmið vefstofunnar er að kynna mikilvægi þess að flétta saman kennslufræði og tækni í starfi. Kynnt eru ýmis góð ráð sem nota má við að virkja fólk til að sækja sér aukna færni í grunnleikni. Ráðin tengjast m.a. hvatningu og sveigjanleika til náms, úrbótum á sjóðafyrirkomulagi ásamt markvissum aðgerðum stjórnvalda.

Fyrir hverja er vefstofan: Starfsfólk símenntunarmiðstöðva, kennarar í grunn- og framhaldsskólum, starfsfólk skólaskrifstofa og víðar.

NVL Grunnleikninetið hefur gefið út áhugaverðar greinar um greinnleikni á Norðurlöndunum, hér má nálgast greinar sem þýddar hafa verið á íslensku.

Nordsjællands Rekrutteringsservice (NRS)
Yhteisrahoitettu Euroopan Unionin Erasmus+ -ohelmasta
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