

Målgruppe: Undervisere

Technical fields as frontrunners in adopting sustainable practices

SYKLI Environmental school of Finland has made the sustainability aspect the main attraction in its study programs.

Industrial engineer

Af Mia O'Neill

04 - Kvalitetsuddannelse, 08 - Anstændige jobs og økonomisk vækst

Environmental education is often limited to early childhood education and it is not the usual topic when discussing adult specialist vocational education, especially in technical fields. However, SYKLI Environmental school of Finland has made the sustainability aspect the main attraction in its study programs.

Learning in practice

SYKLI trains professionals working in various technical fields, such as water and waste management as well as experts dealing with low carbon emissions and sustainable energy. These experts and professional come to Sykli to gain more information on sustainable practices and, in the meantime, to earn their specialist vocational qualification. The studies take approximately 1,5 years and include both practical information on their particular field as well as incorporate sustainability and aspects of circular economy, all wrapped in the same study package.

Dissiminating sustainability

As a result of the study program, professionals can incorporate sustainable practices in their everyday tasks as well as help their organisation become more efficient, greener, safer, more sustainable, and more. The studies include a development project done at workplace to develop the overall practices or a particular aspect of it, and these projects often yield permanent results. People studying to improve their professional competence play also an important role in the system change towards a greener, more sustainable society, where every organisation and every professional has their significance.

Inspiration is limitless

While technical fields have been trained at Sykli for 20 years already, new viewpoints are taken into account each year and latest trends are being followed. A worker at a water utility or a waste management company can have a significant impact on how their organisation develops its operations, but also people working at municipalities can benefit from a practical take on sustainability. Experts on energy issues, real estate, quality and safety can all learn how to incorporate sustainable practices as an undistinguishable part of day to day activities. In order to take on the systemic change towards a greener society, a paradigm shift needs to occur – and this is done by including each member of the society, not just the people working in the environmental field.

Flere inspirationscases

Fagskolen Kristiania har fokus på bærekraft i alle studiene våre, så det var naturlig å følge dette sporet også for frisørnæringen, sier fagansvarlig Eva Widenoja.



Når vi sitter hos frisøren, tenker vi da på om salongen er bærekraftig? Blir kjemikaliene i hårfargen behandlet riktig, og hvordan håndteres alt håret som klippes av og ligger i dotter på gulvet? Vi serveres kanskje kaffe og hygger oss i en lun atmosfære sammen med en blid frisør, og det kjennes sosialt bærekraftig. Hva med økonomien, hvor mange kunder må klippes på en dag for at geskjeften skal være økonomisk bærekraftig?

Att lära av historien för en hållbar framtid.



– Genom att bearbeta vårt förflutna kan vi bygga en mer hållbar och rättvis framtid, säger forskningsprofessorn Claudia Lenz vid Holocaustcentret i Oslo.
Genom projektet Dembra utbildar hon lärarstudenter och stödjer lärarna på fältet i deras arbete med demokratifostran. Just nu står konflikten i Gaza i fokus.

De här studerar vid den nya masterutbildningen vid Högskolan på Åland. Stående läraren Matias Waller. Fotograf: Magnus Lindberg



I sjöfartsstaden Mariehamn finns Högskolan på Åland. Där växer det fram nya spännande labb för solenergi och vätgas och en helt ny masterutbildning. I samarbete med sju pilothamnar i Norden och Baltikum får studerande vara med och ta fram helt nytt kunnande.

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