

Lifelong learning

NVL shares inspiration about education for sustainable living

NVL presented current initiatives on the topic of Sustainable Development in Adult Learning during Nordic Summer University’s Winter Symposium on February 16-18 in Odense, Denmark.

NVL shares inspiration about education for sustainable living

The overall purpose of the project Development of Educational Models for Sustainable Lifestyles is to deliver an educational contribution to the social change of lifestyles and cultures from the individual to the systemic level.

NVL presented current initiatives on the topic of Sustainable Development in Adult Learning during Nordic Summer University’s Winter Symposium on February 16-18 in Odense, Denmark.

Nordic Summer University hosted a Winter Symposium in Odense, Denmark and NVL had a chance to present the re-launching of NVL’s inspiration book, as well as discuss the positives of working on sustainable education collectively on a Nordic level.

Additionally, NVL’s Network for Sustainable Development presented the output from the first part of the project Development of Educational Models for Sustainable Lifestyles offering 10 recommendations for educators planning education for sustainable living initiatives. Henrika Nordin, coordinator of the network, presented the next steps and goals of the project which is a part of the cross-sectoral programme Nordic Sustainable Living.

18 participants joined the symposium from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, the UK, Cameroun, North Macedonia and Chile.

About Nordic Summer University
Nordic Summer University (NSU) is a non-profit academic organisation that supports the development of cross-national networks in the Nordic and Baltic regions. NSU comprises several study circles that meet at symposia to present their work.

The goal of the study circle on Education for Sustainable Living is “to explore elements in education and life-long learning for global sustainable development, in particular with a focus on challenges to current democratic life-forms, forms of self-governance and human-environment relations.

Read more about Nordic Summer University here.

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